#YoNOVA - You Oughta NOVA
Produced by and for the Northern Virginia Community College community, this 'cast o' thousands covers happenings at one of the nation's top-five largest colleges. With six campuses and a vast online community that spans a service area of nearly 5 million residents, what happens at NOVA is a big deal - and you oughta know it. Episodes are bi-weekly, with some wiggle room for holidays or special events. Recording and production courtesy of NOVA Sound and Music Recording Technology program (http://www.loudounsound.com) and its students -- in studio at the Loudoun Campus in Sterling, VA. Show music by Sanjay Mishra. Wanna study recording production? Give us a holler and we'll set up a tour and an intro to the right people.
Podcasting since 2019 • 0 episodes